Imagine yourself being in the warmth and sweet smell of a home with the burning fireplace on a cold winter evening. But as the firwood stocks near an end, you haul yourself to get more, but to your surprise, you found that the termites have attacked the firewood, and now you have weird smelling wood and cannot use the wood anymore because of that smell. What would you do? Obviously, you will call termite control specialists for termite control in Toronto. But there are ways that you can easily prevent termites from getting to your wood. We are here with some guidelines on storing your firewood, so termites don’t get to it?.
First of all, you don’t have to panic. The termites have already reached your woods, but now what is the next step? Here are some guidelines to help you keep termites at bay.
Tips To Keep Termites in Toronto Away From Firewood
- First thing first, make sure you place your firewood at least 30 feet away from your Toronto house exterior. By keeping the firewood inside or anywhere near your home, all you are doing is giving termites a chance to increase their population. It will also increase the termite threats, making your home vulnerable to them. Not just termites, rodents and other pests also find shelter in woods inside your house.
- Your firwoods should not be touching the ground. Keeping firwoods away from your home is the right thing. Keeping them off the ground is another thing that ensures the pest cannot access them.
- Keep your firewoods covered with the help of a cloth. It will keep them safe from termites and also keep your wood dry. Dry wood is easier to burn, and there is a very low chance of going bad. If your firewood is moist, it will decay sooner than expected.
- Only bring enough firewood to burn for one time. Yes, we know it is hard to do that. And bringing in a pile of firewood inside is a great opportunity but think about the pests. What if they got to it before you do? All your effort will go in vain.
- Never try to treat the pile of firewood with pesticide thinking it will keep the pests away. It is the worst thing to do to your wood, and it will cause your wood to lose its integrity. It will also let pests burrow into your woods. In the worst scenario, when you burn your firewood, all the chemicals will release inside your house, which is not good for anybody.
Final Words
So before you lug in the next batch of firewood inside, think twice. Make sure you follow all the tips mentioned above for termite control in Toronto to stay protected from termites and other pests.
If you are eager and want to know more about pest and pest control services, feel free to contact us, and we would be happy to help you.