Bee Removal Is Our Expertise

Bees are great creatures that help create honey for humans and pollinate flowers, among other great purposes they serve in nature. But if they infest your home and surrounding areas, they can become a huge problem, especially with children and people with allergies around.

In order to find out whether you want to deal with the issue yourself or call an exterminator you have to find out if you are dealing with a swarm, foraging bees or a colony. Foraging bees are the least problematic kind as they are simply searching for pollen and honey in your area and rarely become a problem.

Bees in transit are the ones that left their home and are searching for a new place to settle in, so they should not be aggressive and cause havoc. Mostly it’s the colony bees that have already build a honeycomb who become a huge issue to humans around them.

There are home remedies you can try if your colony is a new and very small one. You can take a vacuum and get rid of the colony if it only consists of about 20 bees, besides the Queen. You have to do it in the evening only when bees are very slow and won’t be aggressive.

Call the Professional

If you are afraid to perform an action like this you can always call an exterminator who is bound to do a great job, of course. Another trick is to get rid of water resources, if that’s possible so drain that swimming pool and the bees will move in search of water to make honey. This sounds easier said than done so if you have second thoughts, call an exterminator.

Our Guarantee

Pesticon offers the best pest control services in Toronto that our backed by our 100 day guarantee (1 year for termites). We will visit your property free of charge if your pest problems persist as your satisfaction is our number 1 priority!

Pesticon has consistently won the HomeStars award for Best Pest Control Company for 4 years in a row serving Toronto and GTA

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Who We Are

Pest control is an important practice that ensures that our homes and business premises are safe and enjoyable to live in Toronto pests such as mice, bed bugstermites and ants are the most common insects that invade homes.

If your house or business premises is infested by any of this, consider seeking help from experts. Our unique standards in service delivery have set us apart from the rest.

Our contribution to comfortable stinging insects-free housing enabled us to earn an honor of A+ rating according to the Better Business Bureau and a HomeStars rating of 9.9. We provide reliable pest control services that you can trust.

The company has experienced and highly trained professionals who have the skills to eradicate any type of pest in your compound. Pesticon is fully registered and it legally operates in Toronto and in few parts of GTA.

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Frequently Asked Questions


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