How To Keep Cockroaches Away In An Apartment in Vaughan?

If you live in your apartment or live on sharing basis, there is always that one freeloading entity that we all hate. We are not talking about your couch-surfing friends; we are talking about cockroaches, those creepy crawlers. However, there are easy ways to keep them at bay. In this article, we will tell you how to keep cockroaches away in an apartment in Vaughan.

Cockroaches are everywhere, from urban areas to rural areas, and there is no place they cannot invade. They take your home or apartment as their humble abode without you noticing, especially if your roommate likes to shun cleaning. Once they are in, it is very hard to get rid of them. They quickly spread to all other places inside your apartment, so be careful.

Cockroaches are the single most disgusting creatures that multiply quickly. One cockroach egg can lay many roaches. Once you spot them, it is very hard to live in peace, so it is very important to get rid of them as soon as you find out. If you find yourself in a situation where you have to deal with cockroaches, the best way is to contact a pest control company in Vaughan that can eliminate these pests easily and quickly.

Clean Regularly

One thing that cockroaches love is filth. If your apartment is not so clean, then get ready for cockroach infestations. Cleaning is what keeps them at bay, you could say that it’s extra work, but if you want to get rid of them, you have to act on it. Try to keep the lid of your bin closed and regularly dump out the trash to keep the area clean. Your kitchen is the ultimate gateway for them to hide and feast on the leftover crumbs and trash. Make sure you thoroughly clean the kitchen before you get to sleep.

Treat Your Baseboards

Because roaches are small, they can shimmy their way inside your apartment through small cracks, holes, baseboards, outlets and many other places. It would be best if you took some time out any day and put extra effort into sealing all small cracks and holes so they can never return from the place they got in. your little effort today goes a long way.

Make Your Own Traps

If you see cockroaches scurrying around the floor, you can start by making your own traps at home. If you are doing all the work yourself, you might take a long time to make a real effort actually to get rid of cockroaches from your apartment. It is always best to call a cockroach removal service to make things easy for you.

But if you are still going to do it yourself, making a paste of any food item with boric acid will do the work. Try to be careful when using boric acid as it could affect pets inside your house if you have any.

Final Words

Cockroach infestation could take a while, and the best option is to let pest control services handle the situation. Cockroaches are very hard to eliminate once they spread. DIY methods work in the early stages of infestation, but if it spreads, you have to call a pest control company in Vaughan to treat your apartment.

Contact us to find out more about cockroaches and how you can handle them better.

Waheed Ahmed, CEO of Pesticon Pest Control

Written by: Waheed Ahmed Founder & CEO, Pesticon Pest Control

For over 18 years, Waheed has provided customers with the best pest control services in the Greater Toronto Area. The longevity of Pesticon is due to his philosophy of genuinely caring for his customers and putting them first. It's this kind of passion that has won him the HomeStars Award over 9 years in a row. 

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Pesticon offers the best pest control services in Toronto that our backed by our 6 months guarantee. We will visit your property free of charge if your pest problems persist as your satisfaction is our number 1 priority!

Pesticon has consistently won the HomeStars award for Best Pest Control Company for 4 years in a row serving Toronto and GTA

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